The Mental Practice of Coherence (XI)
~ A speech by the Senior Grand Master Gao at Hong Tzong on August 10, 1999
(continued from Ping Jiang Magazine Newsletter on September 20, 2023)
We must remember that a child is born under the protection of gods. Chapter 17 of the Doctrine of the Mean cited a saying from Book of Poetry, which is “An esteemed man shows full virtue and amicability to the people. Such a man receives rewards from the Heaven. The Heaven protects and instructs the man to follow the divine order.”
An esteemed man is someone who is joyful and much acclaimed and learned the way of Heaven. With the full virtue he shows to all people and things, the esteemed man is necessary for the people.
Such a man is greatly virtuous and we will think such a personality to be good. As we think so, we know that everyone of us has the virtue in us. We hold the nature from the Heaven. When we reveal the virtuous nature, we can feel the amicability, esteem, and respect of others. In return, people will respect and love us.
The saying about “receive rewards from the Heaven” implies that the Heaven rewards the esteemed man when he is willing to practice what he has been instructed. The Heaven protects the man and instructs him to help Heavenly missions and salvage all beings. The Heaven needs the esteemed man to devote himself in divine affairs.
The saying teaches us that we shall not criticize, retort, or fight back when others talk. The esteemed people in the past were amicable because of their virtues. We shall convert our ignorance and bigotry into virtues that people will admire.
We must not search for people who criticize us. This is immature and irrational. We as Tao cultivators shall hold the instructions from the Heaven and never underestimate ourselves. We are strongly related to the Heaven.
In this third age of Buddhism, we cultivate Tao in the downtown. We spread Tao to people in our daily life. Every day, we shall salvage, enlighten, and guide all beings, telling them that we are all instructed to work for the good mission.
If we can remain peace in us, we can get rid of various concerns and walk a way free of mundane worries.
We shall know that Tao cultivation can be practiced everywhere, regardless of high mountains or plains. A true Tao cultivator takes every place as a good hermitage. Thus, we must not look down on ourselves. (To be continued)